



[项目介绍] 格林卫海外文化体验与志愿者项目书——柬埔寨篇

发表于 2013-8-30 10:53:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 格林卫中国 于 2013-8-30 18:00 编辑

greenway China

如果你在渴望着能利用“间隔年”(gap year)了解世界,了解自己。


       格林卫国际教育交流文化中心(Greenway China)坚信志愿者行动和旅行能够改变青年人的生活。作为一家有着14年专门从事各种国际志愿者计划和旅行项目经验的机构Green Lion在中国的一个分支,Greenway China秉承着总部“间隔年”(gap year)、“志愿者活动和旅行改变生活”、的理念,一直在发展西方青年人在中国的志愿者和旅行项目。随着中国的崛起,越来越多的中国青年人走出国门,通过参加海外志愿者、带薪实习、旅行等项目来探索世界,从而更加了解自己。在该种形势的推动下,今年11月Greenway China首次推出柬埔寨志愿者项目,为中国青年人、学生提供到柬埔寨参加志愿者活动和旅行相结合的机会。
       Greenway China的柬埔寨旅行体验计划,将会为你带来与众不同的游历柬埔寨的志愿者工作经历。柬埔寨为相对贫穷的国家,而正因为此,你的志愿服务与帮助尤为珍贵;正因为此,愈来愈多的来自世界各地的志愿者加入到柬埔寨志愿者活动中。在这里,你可以为当地的社区提供帮助改善人们的生活环境;在这里,你可以为保护稀有动植物尽一份力量;在这里,你可以为孤儿院的孩子们带去一丝丝关爱;在这里,你可以为渴求知识的人播种文化的希望。同时,在此次体验中,你既可以品味柬埔寨独特的文化,体验东西方文化的交融与碰撞,感受佛教文化的深邃,又可以结交来自世界各地的朋友,同时,在通过克服文化、语言差异等困难来完成工作后全面提升自己,在挑战中加深自己对文化差异的了解,增强自己的沟通能力、文化包容力等能力,丰盈自己的阅历。


在Greenway China的赴柬埔寨志愿者和文化体验项目,你可以获得:
·权威的国际志愿者证书:该证书由Pitaya Suwan Foundation颁发,具有国际权威性。该证书是你通过国际志愿者工作的一种证明,提升你的国际背景,为你日后的国际升学、工作增加砝码。(对该基金会的介绍,请查看官方网站介绍:http://www.pitayasuwan.org/

Programme Fee
Culture Experience
柬埔寨文化体验周 (Oddar Manchey)
Culture Orientation Week
Volunteer Work
志愿者教学活动 (Oddar Manchey)
Volunteer Teaching
医疗项目活动 (Oddar Manchey)
Hospital Medical Work
社区服务爱心活动 (Oddar Manchey)
Community Work

(1) 以上项目费用不包括:签证申请费用、机票、保险等以及其他个人的费用。The Program Fees does not include: Visa Application Fees, Airfare, Insurance, and other personal expenses.
(2) 项目费用包括:
A.BKK Airport pick-up  机场接机
B.Drop off to BKK      项目结束时,送到Oddar Manchey
C.Welcome and Farewell Party (if you are in group) 欢迎/告别派对
D.  Placement in the volunteer Work place (Schools, Orphanages, Monastery, Community, hospital, health post, TV channels etc.)志愿    者活动费用
E.   E. Full Accommodations and Meals (3 Meals a day) provided in the host family, or residence hall.在整个项目参与过程中的食宿费
   F.  24 Hours 7 days Emergency Service  24小时紧急服务


申请流程 Procedures:

Greenway Thailand: www.greenwayCambodia.org
Green Lion:             www.thegreenlion.net
Phone: 18076780106


Culture Week

This week is not mandatory however it serves as a great way to understand more about the new country you are visiting.

Schedule and Activity:
This program below is written to give you an idea of this week: The day order may change, however the full program will still be experienced.
The first day of this week spends time introducing you to facilities and important staff that you may not know yet, and a tour of the local town/village and its facilities. You’ll get your first intensive lesson in Cambodian Culture and Khmer Language too.
More visits to real local lifestyles, this time in the countryside and in the local temple and orphanage. An additional language session, you should be practicing with locals by now!
Visit the historical Anglong Veng sites, including the infamous Ta Mok's villa, stronghold during the Khmer wars! Some mountain views before heading back to Samraong.
You'll be up early this morning to catch the local monks in their alms-collection rounds. Then it’s a morning in the local town market and internet cafe before a traditional Khmer cooking class. Your afternoon will be in a local temple, taking part experiencing the local rituals and teachings, into the night.
Continue the local monk's alms collection and rituals in the early mornings and after a useful Introduction and Q&A session with the monks, present gifts in appreciation before heading back to the home stay to relax.
Weekends are always free after Culture week program. Relax at your Home stay accommodation, take a bicycle into town, or expand your sightseeing and visit the many more sites in the Oddar Meanchey Province or take a taxi to Siem Reap for the weekend. Friendly staff are always there to make your choice easier with advice.

What you're recommended to prepare
· Mosquito repellent
· Walking shoes
· Malaria precautions

***Note: Cambodia is a tropical country with occasional violent storms, heavy rains and floods. During such times, the above schedule may be subject to change.

Food and Accommodation:
You will be housed with local home - stays or in a guest house where this is not feasible (for example in the case of larger groups).
There are limited laundry facilities so expect to wash your clothes by hand. All participants are expected to be environmentally aware and to use all resources with restraint, especially water, paper and electricity. You will be expected to clean up after yourself, and to play your part to keep the accommodation neat and organized.
All food is included during your stay. The meals will be typical Cambodian fare, including plenty of rice dishes.

Transportation—In Samraong you can easily get a motorcycle to go anywhere, or you can borrow a bike at the centre. The roads in and to Samraong are not very good, so you should be especially careful when driving at night.

Money issue— in Samraong you can exchange money and traveler’s checks at the bank. The nearest ATM is in Siem Reap, so please make sure you have enough money with you before leaving to the town. However, you will probably not need much money there!

Internet use— there are internet cafes in the town, but with limited speed and number of computers.
International Phone calls – From Samraong it is currently quite difficult to make public phone calls due to a lack of public phones in the town. In Siem Reap you can make international phone calls from various phone shops. Please ask your coordinator for assistance!

School Placement – English Teacher
       According to figures of the UNDP, Cambodia is one of the poorest countries in South-East Asia. Over 75% of the Cambodian population lives on less than 2 USD per day, with the figures for the countryside dramatically higher. Basic infrastructure is lacking and education levels are generally low. However, despite these problems young Cambodians are very dynamic and eager to engage themselves!

Early 2008, The Greenlion/Greenway decided to start up several volunteering projects in the Northern Cambodian countryside working with local and international NGOs as well as the provincial government of Oddar Meanchey.

In cooperation with the provincial education department, The Greenlion/Greenway has started working in local schools in Samraong, the capital of Oddar Meanchey, and in the surrounding villages. Considering the state of the school buildings, volunteers are not only engaged in basic teaching activities, but also in the basic renovation of the school.

This week serves as a great way to experience the local life and give back to the community by assisting the local school childrenin the English classes or some physical education.

Schedule and Activities
Monday to Friday
· Teaching English on a non formal basis
· Working with the children in their vegetable garden (for their own consumption)
· Creating activities for the students including workshops for cultural exchange
· Art & Handicraft activities
· Sports after classes
· Environmental awareness activities (Clean Up the World)

The Greenlion/Greenway has much experience in informal teaching methods, arranging sports after school programs, giving workshops, gardening in the vegetable garden and some special environmental awareness campaigns with the children. Depending on the particular skill of the participants or group ideas we may do some art or handicraft as well.

A typical work day has you leaving for the nearby school by bicycle before 8am; you will have lunch there and will finish around 4pm. Remember to take note of any special culture classes being run at the Home stay Centre! The schools we work in are located in the town of Samraong and surrounding villages.

Weekends are always free after School placement program. Relax at your Home stay accommodation, take a bicycle into town, or expand your sightseeing and visit the many more sites in the Oddar Meanchey Province or take a taxi to Siem Reap for the weekend. Friendly staff are always there to make your choice easier with advice.

What you're recommended to prepare
· Mosquito repellent
· A love for children
· Malaria precautions

What we expect from you:
Volunteering and intercultural travel share a common trait: the more you put into it, the more you get out of it. This program is designed for proactive individuals and groups that are prepared to adapt to the local environment and current needs. Naturally, the scheduling and activities of our program are subject to change. Alterations in activities are mainly due to changes in local conditions, which we believe is part of what makes overseas programs the interesting adventure and incredible learning experience that it is.

Please note:
Casual dress is appropriate during your time at the school; however, no see through clothes or low cut tops are permitted.
***Note: Cambodia is a tropical country with occasional violent storms, heavy rains and floods. During such times, the above schedule may be subject to change.

Food and Accommodation:
You will be housed with local home-stays or in a guest house where this is not feasible (for example in the case of larger groups).
There are limited laundry facilities so expect to wash your clothes by hand. All participants are expected to be environmentally aware and to use all resources with restraint, especially water, paper and electricity. You will be expected to clean up after yourself, and to play your part to keep the accommodation neat and organized.
All food is included during your stay. The meals will be typical Cambodian fare, including plenty of rice dishes.

Transportation—In Samraong you can easily get a motorcycle to go anywhere, or you can borrow a bike at the centre. The roads in and to Samraong are not very good, so you should be especially careful when driving at night.
Money issue— in Samraong you can exchange money and traveler’s checks at the bank. The nearest ATM is in Siem Reap, so please make sure you have enough money with you before leaving to the town. However, you will probably not need much money there!
Internet use— there are internet cafes in the town, but with limited speed and number of computers.
International Phone calls – From Samraong it is currently quite difficult to make public phone calls due to a lack of public phones in the town. In Siem Reap you can make international phone calls from various phone shops. Please ask your coordinator for assistance!

Orphanage Placement

This week serves as a great way to experience the local life and give back to the community by assisting the local school children in the English classes.

Program Description:
       According to figures of the UNDP, Cambodia is one of the poorest countries in South-East Asia. Over 75% of the Cambodian population lives on less than 2 USD per day, with the figures for the countryside dramatically higher. Basic infrastructure is lacking and education levels are generally low. However, despite these problems young Cambodians are very dynamic and eager to engage themselves!

Early 2008, Greenway decided to start up several volunteering projects in the Northern Cambodian countryside working with local and international NGOs as well as the provincial government of Oddar Meanchey.

In cooperation with the provincial education department, Greenway has started working in local schools in Samraong, the capital of Oddar Meanchey, and in the surrounding villages. Considering the state of the buildings, volunteers are not only engaged in basic teaching activities, but also in the basic renovation of the orphanage.

The Orphanage used for this program is a small one named Foursqare Children of Promise, besides our program it is mainly supported by a Christian organisation. The orphanage accepts children from 0-15 years old, and a primary goal towards the children is to send their children to university in Phnom Penh at 18 years.

The orphanage has 2 vacations in an academic year:

First vacation is called a small vacation, lasts 2 weeks, from 6th - 20th April every year. This is the time for Khmer New Year.

Second vacation, the big vacation, lasts 2 months for primary schools from August 1st to September 30th.and 3 months for secondary and high schools from July 1st to September 30th. Children are still around during this time but to give the children a break from their studies, teaching is much more informal and games are focussed on instead, along with any renovation work that is required.

Schedule & activity
In cooperation with our own full time coordinator we will create each week a special program for all people who are involved in this initiative.

Activities can include a combination of:
· Teaching English on a non formal basis
· Working with the children in their vegetable garden (for their own consumption)
· Creating activities for the students including workshops for cultural exchange
· Art & Handicraft activities
· Sports after classes
· Environmental awareness activities (Clean Up the World)
· Basic construction to improve the children’s living environment

Greenway has much experience in informal teaching methods, arranging sports after school programs, giving workshops, gardening in the vegetable garden and some special environmental awareness campaigns with the children. Depending on the particular skill of the participants or group ideas we may do some art or handicraft as well.

A typical work day has you leaving for the nearby school by bicycle before 8am, you will have lunch there and will finish around 4pm. Remember to take note of any special culture classes being run at the Homestay Centre!
The schools we work in are located in the town of Samraong and the villages around it.

***Note: Cambodia is a tropical country with occasional violent storms, heavy rains and floods. During such times, the above schedule may be subject to change.

Food and Accommodation:
You will be housed with local home-stays or in a guest house where this is not feasible (for example in the case of larger groups).
There are limited laundry facilities so expect to wash your clothes by hand. All participants are expected to be environmentally aware and to use all resources with restraint, especially water, paper and electricity. You will be expected to clean up after yourself, and to play your part to keep the accommodation neat and organized.
All food is included during your stay. The meals will be typical Cambodian fare, including plenty of rice dishes.

Transportation—In Samraong you can easily get a motorcyle to go anywhere, or you can borrow a bike at the centre. The roads in and to Samraong are not very good, so you should be careful when driving at night.

Money issue— in Samraong you can exchange money and traveller’s checks at the bank. The nearest ATM is in Siem Reap, so please make sure you have enough money with you before leaving to the town. However, you will probably not need much money there! The bank personnel assures us that an ATM will be installed the course of 2008.

Internet use— there are internet cafes in the town, but with limited speed and number of computers.
International Phone calls –From Samraong it is currently quite difficult to make public phone calls due to a lack of public phones in the town. In Siem Reap you can make international phone calls from various phone shops. Please ask your coordinator for assistance!

Additional information on the location:
You can find banks and Internet access in town.
Samraong is the capital of Oddar Meanchey province, which is Cambodia’s newest province. The province is located North of Siem Reap province and borders Thailand. The city of Siem Reap is about 120 km away from Samraong, currently about 4 hours by car, depending on the condition of the road. During raining season the trip may take considerably longer.
Oddar Meanchey province was the last stronghold of the infamous Khmer Rouge, who stayed in the mountainous area on the border with Thailand as long as 1998! While de-mining efforts have cleared away mines in the cities and villages, there are still some less-inhabited areas that have not been reached. ‘Danger Mines’ signs should be taken extremely serious, even when you need to pee urgently (in the road may be less elegant, but much safer!). Walking through fields or other places where you don’t see any locals is not recommended.

Specific Health information:
Malaria still exists in certain areas of Cambodia. Please check with the medical services in your home country.

What we expect from you:
Volunteering work and intercultural travel share a common trait: the more you put into it, the more you get out of it. This program is designed for proactive individuals and groups. Naturally, the scheduling and activities of our programme are subject to change. At times, alterations in activities are due to changes in local conditions. This is part of what makes overseas programs the interesting adventure and incredible learning experience that it is.

Hospital Medical Work
       According to figures of the UNDP, Cambodia is one of the poorest countries in South-East Asia. Over 75% of the Cambodian population lives on less than 2 USD per day, with the figures for the countryside dramatically higher. Basic infrastructure is lacking and education levels are generally low.

       Early 2008, The Greenlion/Greenway decided to start up several volunteering projects in the Northern Cambodian countryside working with local and international NGOs as well as the provincial government of Oddar Meanchey. This program is designed for highly motivated individuals with a passion for assisting those less fortunate than themselves. For this program, a medical background is not at all necessary although highly recommended.

Schedule and Activities:
The schedule for this program is highly flexible and depends a lot on local needs and your skills. You can expect to accompany the doctor on his rounds at around 7.30am every morning and be prepared to assist in various tasks based on your own level of experience. The Hospital Director will schedule your program when a resume and qualification certificates have been received.
Weekends are always free after Hospital Medical program. Relax at your Home stay accommodation, take a bicycle into town, or expand your sightseeing and visit the many more sites in the Oddar Meanchey Province or take a taxi to Siem Reap for the weekend. Friendly staff are always there to make your choice easier with advice.

What you're recommended to prepare
· Mosquito repellent
· Copies of your resume and Medical Qualification Certificates
· Malaria precautions

What we expect from you:
Volunteering and intercultural travel share a common trait: the more you put into it, the more you get out of it. This program is designed for proactive individuals and groups that are prepared to adapt to the local environment and current needs. Naturally, the scheduling and activities of our program are subject to change. Alterations in activities are mainly due to changes in local conditions, which we believe is part of what makes overseas programs the interesting adventure and incredible learning experience that it is.

***Note: Cambodia is a tropical country with occasional violent storms, heavy rains and floods. During such times, the above schedule may be subject to change.***

Food and Accommodation:
You will be housed with local home stays or in a guest house in the case of larger groups. Home stays are an effective way of culturally immersing oneself in the local culture. For participants who feel that this may be distracting to the important work at hand, guest houses can also be arranged for them.

There are limited laundry facilities so expect to wash your clothes by hand. All participants are expected to be environmentally aware and to use all resources with restraint, especially water, paper and electricity. You will be expected to clean up after yourself, and to play your part to keep the accommodation neat and organized.
All food is included during your stay. The meals will be typical Cambodian fare, including plenty of rice dishes.

Transportation—In Samraong you can easily get a motorcycle to go anywhere, or you can borrow a bike at the centre. The roads in and to Samraong are not very good, so you should be especially careful when driving at night.

Money issue— In Samraong you can exchange money and traveler’s checks at the bank. The nearest ATM is in Siem Reap, so please make sure you have enough money with you before leaving to the town. However, you will probably not need much money there!

Internet use— there are internet cafes in the town, but with limited speed and number of computers.
International Phone calls – From Samraong it is currently quite difficult to make public phone calls due to a lack of public phones in the town. In Siem Reap you can make international phone calls from various phone shops. Please ask your coordinator for assistance!

Additional information on the location:
Samraong is the capital of Oddar Meanchey province, which is Cambodia’s newest province. The province is located North of Siem Reap province and borders Thailand. The city of Siem Reap is about 120 km away from Samraong, currently about 4 hours by car, depending on the condition of the road. During raining season the trip may take considerably longer.
Oddar Meanchey province was the last stronghold of the infamous Khmer Rouge, who stayed in the mountainous area on the border with Thailand as long as up till 1998! While de-mining efforts have cleared away mines in the cities and villages, there are still some less-inhabited areas that have not been reached. ‘Danger Mines’ signs should be taken extremely serious, even when you need to pee urgently (in the road may be less elegant, but much safer!). Walking through fields or other places where you don’t see any locals is not recommended.

Specific Health information:
Malaria still exists in certain areas of Cambodia. Please check with the medical services in your home country.

KH-SRG-FI-Community Work
Name: Hospital Community Work Cambodia -5 Points
Place: Samraong (Oddar Meanchey province), Cambodia
Duration: 1 week (extendable and available weekly)

Program Description
        According to figures of the UNDP, Cambodia is one of the poorest countries in South-East Asia. Over 75% of the Cambodian population lives on less than 2 USD per day, with the figures for the countryside dramatically higher. Basic infrastructure is lacking and education levels are generally low. However, despite these problems young Cambodians are very dynamic and eager to engage themselves!
Early 2008, Greenway decided to start up several volunteering projects in the Northern Cambodian countryside working with local and international NGOs as well as the provincial government of Oddar Meanchey. This program is designed for highly motivated individuals with a passion for assisting thoswe less fortunate than themselves. For this program, a medical background is not at all necessary although highly recommended.

Schedule & activity:
There is a focus on light construction work and you will be expected to help paint and clean the patients beds.

Food and Accommodation:

You will be housed with local home-stays or in a guest house where this is not feasible (for example in the case of larger groups).
There are limited laundry facilities so expect to wash your clothes by hand. All participants are expected to be environmentally aware and to use all resources with restraint, especially water, paper and electricity. You will be expected to clean up after yourself, and to play your part to keep the accommodation neat and organized.
All meals are included during your stay. The meals will be typical Cambodian fare, including plenty of rice dishes.

Transportation—In Samraong you can easily get a motorcycle to go anywhere, or you can borrow a bike at the centre. The roads in and to Samraong are not very good, so you should be careful when driving at night.

Money — in Samraong you can exchange money and traveler’s checks at the bank. The nearest ATM is in Siem Reap, so please make sure you have enough money with you before leaving to the town. However, you will probably not need much money there! The bank personnel assures us that an ATM will be installed the course of 2008.

Internet use— there are internet cafes in the town, but with limited speed and number of computers.

International Phone calls – From Samraong it is currently quite difficult to make public phone calls due to a lack of public phones in the town. In Siem Reap you can make international phone calls from various phone shops. Please ask your coordinator for assistance!

Additional information on the location:
You can find banks and Internet access in town. The office is located in our centre and this gives the opportunity for each person to arrange personal needs quickly and easily.
Samraong is the capital of Oddar Meanchey province, which is Cambodia’s newest province. The province is located North of Siem Reap province and borders Thailand. The city of Siem Reap is about 120 km away from Samraong, currently about 4 hours by car, depending on the condition of the road. During raining season the trip may take considerably longer.
Oddar Meanchey province was the last stronghold of the infamous Khmer Rouge, who stayed in the mountainous area on the border with Thailand as long as 1998! While de-mining efforts have cleared away mines in the cities and villages, there are still some less-inhabited areas that have not been reached. ‘Danger Mines’ signs should be taken extremely serious, even when you need to urinate urgently (in the road may be less elegant, but much safer!). Walking through fields or other places where you don’t see any locals is not recommended.

Specific Health information:
Malaria still exists in certain areas of Cambodia. Please check with the medical services in your home country.

What we expect from you:
Volunteering work and intercultural travel share a common trait: the more you put into it, the more you get out of it. This program is designed for proactive individuals and groups.that are prepared to adap to the local environmanet and current needs. Naturally, the scheduling and activities of our program are subject to change. Alterations in activities are mainly due to changes in local conditions, which we believe is part of what makes oversea programs the interesting adventure and incredible learning experience that it is.

以上为格林卫中国 柬埔寨海外志愿者项目总述,若有任何兴趣参与报名,请电话咨询(18076780106),QQ咨询(2352114985)或者邮件咨询(info@greenwaychina.org

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