



[故事分享] A Volunteer story By Sara

发表于 2013-11-2 17:19:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 格林卫中国 于 2013-11-2 17:54 编辑

Sara --来自德国科隆的一名志愿者,在格林卫经过一周的文化及语言培训,在广西桂林的一个农村小学进行为期一个月的教学。她由一开始的面对60多人的班级的紧张,最后做到对中国学生教学游刃有余。我们感谢她选择中国作为自己志愿服务的国家,同时感谢她对我们乡村英语教育做出的贡献。
My story in China
It might only havebeen five weeks in China, but nevertheless it has been five weeks ofexperience, fun and change. Before I came to China I would never have thoughtthat I could stand in front of sixty children and talk freely without anynervous or even panic feelings.
Now I can and itis fun and gives you such a good feeling, when all the children listen to you,join the games and laugh, smile and are happy. I even improved my improvisationskills. I had to write every word down I wanted to say at a presentation. Herein China I sometimes just knew ten seconds in beforehand what kind of grade Iwould teach. I had no plan, no idea of any topic and still I could stand there45 minutes and teach them.
To see this, toexperience this is a whole new thing for me and I am really thankful, that Iimproved my skills and that I can go back to Germany with the knowledge that Iam able to do things like that.
I also loved thechildren and the life here in Fengyan. Just to see how life works in Chinesevillages, how they think and how they see the world. I noticed openness,kindness and a warmly welcome even from strangers. They love to invite you todinner, to oiltea or just for a chat.
The old house inFengyan is so typical old Chinese, that you already have the feeling for Chinawhen you step into this house and you always have the surrounding that makesyou comfortable.
Also the team ofgreenway makes you feel good and welcome and you have a lot of fun witheveryone of them. It starts from having Chinese lessons, going to Barbecues,playing “Majong” or even just chat throughout the night.
I had a wonderfultime here in Fengyan and I will miss everyone and I will miss the children andthe work here. Maybe someday I will come back and stay for longer.

发表于 2013-11-5 22:46:52 | 显示全部楼层
you are the best!
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